Source code for cli2.client

HTTP Client boilerplate code to conquer the world.

import asyncio
import copy
import httpx
import inspect
import json
import math
import os
import ssl
import structlog
import yaml

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import parse_qs

    import truststore
except ImportError:
    truststore = None

from . import display
from .asyncio import async_resolve
from .command import Command
from .colors import colors
from .group import Group
from .decorators import cmd, hide

[docs] class Paginator: """ Generic pagination class. You don't have to override that class to do basic paginator customization, instead, you can also implement pagination specifics into: - the :py:class:`~Client` class with the :py:meth:`~Client.pagination_initialize` and :py:meth:`~Client.pagination_parameters` methods - or also, per model, in the :py:class:`~Model` class with the :py:meth:`~Model.pagination_initialize` and :py:meth:`~Model.pagination_parameters` methods Refer to :py:meth:`pagination_parameters` and :py:meth:`pagination_initialize` for details. .. py:attribute:: total_pages Total number of pages. .. py:attribute:: total_items Total number of items. .. py:attribute:: per_page Number of items per page .. py:attribute:: url The URL to query .. py:attribute:: url The URL to query .. py:attribute:: params Dictionnary of GET parameters .. py:attribute:: model :py:class:`Model` class or ``dict`` by default. """ def __init__(self, client, url, params=None, model=None, expressions=None): """ Initialize a paginator object with a client on a URL with parameters. :param client: :py:class:`Client` object :param url: URL to query :param params: Dictionnary of GET parameters :params model: Model class, can be a dict, or :py:class:`Model` """ self.client = client self.url = url self.params = params or {} self.model = model or dict self.page_start = 1 self.per_page = None self.initialized = False self.expressions = [] for expression in (expressions or []): if not isinstance(expression, Expression): expression = Filter(expression) self.expressions.append(expression) self._total_pages = None self._total_items = None self._reverse = False
[docs] def reverse(self): """ Return a copy of this :py:class:`Paginator` object to iterate in reverse order. For this to work, :py:meth:`pagination_initialize` **must** set :py:attr:`per_page` and either of :py:attr:`total_pages` or :py:attr:`total_items`, which is up to you to implement. """ obj = copy.copy(self) obj._reverse = True return obj
@property def total_items(self): return self._total_items @total_items.setter def total_items(self, value): self._total_items = value @property def total_pages(self): if self._total_pages: return self._total_pages if self.total_items and self.per_page: self._total_pages = math.ceil(self.total_items / self.per_page) return self._total_pages @total_pages.setter def total_pages(self, value): self._total_pages = value async def list(self): self.results = [] async for item in self: self.results.append(item) return self.results
[docs] async def initialize(self, response=None): """ This method is called once when we get the first response. :param response: First response object """ if not response: response = await self.page_response(1) data = response.json() if isinstance(data, list): # we won't figure max page self.initialized = True return self.pagination_initialize(data) self.initialized = True
[docs] def pagination_initialize(self, data): """ Initialize paginator based on the data of the first response. If at least, you can set :py:attr:`total_items` or :py:attr:`total_pages`, :py:attr:`per_page` would also be nice. :param data: Data of the first response """ try: self.model.pagination_initialize except AttributeError: return self.client.pagination_initialize(self, data) else: return self.model.pagination_initialize(self, data)
[docs] def pagination_parameters(self, page_number): """ Return GET parameters for a given page. Calls :py:meth:`Model.pagination_parameters` if possible otherwise :py:meth:`Client.pagination_parameters`. You should implement something like this in your model or client to enable pagination: .. code-block:: python def pagination_parameters(self, paginator, page_number): return dict(page=page_number) """ try: self.model.pagination_parameters except AttributeError: return self.client.pagination_parameters(self, page_number) else: return self.model.pagination_parameters(self, page_number)
[docs] def response_items(self, response): """ Parse a response and return a list of model items. :param response: Response to parse """ try: data = response.json() except json.JSONDecodeError: return [] items_list = [] if isinstance(data, list): items_list = data elif isinstance(data, dict): for key, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, list): items_list = value break items = [self.model(item) for item in items_list] if not self.per_page: self.per_page = len(items_list) return items
def python_filter(self): filters = [ f for f in self.expressions if not f.parameterable ] if filters: return And(*filters)
[docs] async def page_items(self, page_number): """ Return the items of a given page number. :param page_number: Page number to get the items from """ try: return self.response_items(await self.page_response(page_number)) except NotImplementedError: return []
[docs] async def page_response(self, page_number): """ Return the response for a page. :param page_number: Page number to get the items from """ params = self.params.copy() pagination_parameters = self.pagination_parameters(page_number) if pagination_parameters: params.update(pagination_parameters) elif page_number != 1: raise NotImplementedError( 'pagination_parameters returned None, cannot paginate', ) for expression in self.expressions: if expression.parameterable: expression.params(params) response = await self.client.get(self.url, params=params, quiet=True) if not self.initialized: await self.initialize(response) return response
async def __aiter__(self, callback=None): """ Asynchronous iterator. """ if self._reverse and not self.total_pages: first_page_response = await self.page_response(1) page = self.total_pages else: page = self.page_start python_filter = self.python_filter() while items := await self.page_items(page): if items == 'continue': continue if self._reverse: items = reversed(items) for item in items: if not python_filter or python_filter.matches(item): yield item if self._reverse: page -= 1 if not page: break if page == 1: # use cached first page response items = self.response_items(first_page_response) for item in reversed(items): if not python_filter or python_filter.matches(item): yield item break else: if page == self.total_pages: break page += 1
[docs] async def first(self): """ Return first item """ async for item in self: return item
[docs] class Field: """ Field descriptor for models. The basic Field descriptor manages (get and set) data from within the :py:attr:`` JSON. Since sub-classes are going to convert data, we need to understand the concepts of internal and external data: - external: the Python value, this can be any kind of Python object - internal: the Python representation of the JSON value, this can be any Python type that will work given json.dumps - internalizing: process of converting a Python value into a JSON one - externalizing: process of converting a JSON value into something Python .. py:attribute:: data_accessor Describes how to access the Field's data inside the model's data dict. If data_accessor is ``foo`` then this field will control the ``foo`` key in the model's data dict. Use ``/`` to separate keys when nesting, if data_accessor is ``foo/bar`` then it will control the ``bar`` key of the ``foo`` dict in the model's data dict. .. py:attribute:: parameter Name of the GET parameter on the model's :py:attr:`Model.url_list`, if any. So that the filter will be converted to a GET parameter. Otherwise, filtering will happen in Python. """ def __init__(self, data_accessor=None, parameter=None): self.data_accessor = data_accessor self.parameter = parameter def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): """ Get the value of a field for an object. A simple process: - Get the internal value from :py:meth:`internal_get` - Pass it through the :py:meth:`externalize` method prior to returning it. """ if obj is None: return self data = self.internal_get(obj) return self.externalize(obj, data) def __set__(self, obj, value): """ Set the value in the internal :py:attr:`Model.json` dict. A two-step process: - Use :py:meth:`internalize` to convert the Python external value into a Python representation of the JSON value - Use :py:meth:`internal_set` to actually set the internal :py:attr:`` """ value = self.internalize(obj, value) self.internal_set(obj, value)
[docs] def internal_get(self, obj): """ Get the "raw" value from the object, which is a Python representation of the JSON internal value, using :py:attr:`data_accessor`. """ data = if not isinstance(data, dict): return self.__get__(data, type(data)) for key in self.data_accessor.split('/'): if not data: return '' try: data = data[key] except KeyError: return return data
[docs] def internal_set(self, obj, value): """ Using :py:attr:`data_accessor`, set the value in :py:attr:`` """ parts = self.data_accessor.split('/') data = for number, key in enumerate(parts, start=1): if number == len(parts): data[key] = value break if key not in data: data[key] = dict() data = data[key]
[docs] def internalize(self, obj, value): """ Transform external value into JSON internal value. Any kind of processing from the Python value to the JSON value can be done in this method. """ return value
[docs] def externalize(self, obj, value): """ Transform internal JSON value to Python value, based on :py:attr:`data_accessor`. Any kind of processing from the JSON value to the Python value can be done in this method. """ return value
[docs] def mark_dirty(self, obj): """ Tell the model that the data must be cleaned. """ obj._dirty_fields.append(self)
[docs] def clean(self, obj): """ Clean the data. Called by the Model when requested a :py:attr:`data`, this method: - Gets the externalized value from :py:meth:`__get__` - Convert it into a JSON object with :py:meth:`internalize` - Uses :py:meth:`internal_set` to update :py:attr:`` """ externalized = self.__get__(obj) internalized = self.internalize(obj, externalized) self.internal_set(obj, internalized)
def __eq__(self, value): return Equal(self, value) def __gt__(self, value): return GreaterThan(self, value) def __lt__(self, value): return LesserThan(self, value) def startswith(self, value): return StartsWith(self, value)
[docs] class MutableField(Field): """ Base class for mutable value fields like :py:class:`JSONStringField` Basically, this field: - caches the externalized value, so that you can mutate it - marks the field as dirty so you get the internalized mutated value that next time you get the :py:attr:`` """
[docs] def cache_set(self, obj, value): """ Cache a computed value for obj :param obj: Model object """ obj._field_cache[] = value
[docs] def cache_get(self, obj): """ Return cached value for obj :param obj: Model object """ return obj._field_cache[]
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): """ Return safely mutable value. If the value is not found in cache, externalize the internal value and cache it. Always mark the field as dirty given the cached external data may mutate. """ if not obj: return super().__get__(obj, objtype) try: return self.cache_get(obj) except KeyError: externalized = self.externalize(obj, self.internal_get(obj)) self.cache_set(obj, externalized) return externalized finally: if not obj._data_updating: self.mark_dirty(obj) def __set__(self, obj, value): """ Cache the value prior to setting it normally. """ self.cache_set(obj, value) super().__set__(obj, value)
[docs] class JSONStringField(MutableField): """ Yes, some proprietary APIs have JSON fields containing JSON strings. This Field is the cure the world needed for that disease. .. py:attribute:: options Options dict for json.dumps, ie. ``options=dict(indent=4)`` """ def __init__(self, *args, options=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.options = options or dict()
[docs] def internalize(self, obj, data): return json.dumps(data, **self.options)
[docs] def externalize(self, obj, value): return json.loads(value)
[docs] class DateTimeField(Field): """ JSON has no datetime object, which means different APIs will serve us different formats in string variables. Heck, I'm pretty sure there are even some APIs which use different formats. This is the cure the world needed against that disease. .. py:attribute:: fmt The datetime format for Python's strptime/strftime. .. py:attribute:: fmts A list of formats, in case you don't have one. This list will be populated with :py:attr:`default_fmts` by default. .. py:attribute:: default_fmts A class property containing a list of formats we're going to try to figure `fmt` and have this thing "work by default". Please contribute to this list with different formats. """ iso_fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f' default_fmts = [ iso_fmt, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', ] def __init__(self, *args, fmt=None, fmts=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fmt = fmt self.fmts = fmts if not self.fmt and not self.fmts: self.fmts = self.default_fmts
[docs] def externalize(self, obj, value): """ Convert the internal string into an external datetime. """ if self.fmt: return datetime.strptime(value, self.fmt) # try a bunch of formats and hope for the best for fmt in self.default_fmts: try: value = datetime.strptime(value, fmt) except ValueError: continue else: self.fmt = fmt return value raise FieldExternalizeError( f'Could not figure how to parse {value}, use fmt option', self, obj, value, )
[docs] def internalize(self, obj, value): """ Convert a datetime into an internal string. """ if isinstance(value, str): return value return value.strftime(self.fmt or self.iso_fmt)
[docs] class ModelCommand(Command): """ Command class for Model class. """ def __init__(self, target, *args, **kwargs): # unbound method by force target = getattr(target, '__func__', target) super().__init__(target, *args, **kwargs) self.overrides['self']['factory'] = self.get_object self.overrides['cls']['factory'] = self.get_model
[docs] def setargs(self): super().setargs() if 'self' in self: self.arg('id', position=0, kind='POSITIONAL_ONLY', doc='ID')
async def get_client(self): client =['self']['factory']() return await async_resolve(client) async def get_model(self): return getattr(await self.get_client(), self.model.__name__) async def get_object(self): model = await self.get_model() return await model.get(id=self['id'].value)
[docs] class ModelGroup(Group): def __init__(self, cls): super().__init__( name=cls.__name__.lower(), doc=inspect.getdoc(cls), cmdclass=type( 'ModelCommand', (cls.model_command,), dict(model=cls), ) ) url_list_methods = ['find', 'get', 'delete', 'create'] if cls.url_list: for name in url_list_methods: self.cmd(getattr(cls, name)) self.load_cls(cls, exclude=url_list_methods)
class ModelMetaclass(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attributes): cls = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attributes) client = getattr(cls, 'client', None) if client: return cls client_class = getattr(cls, '_client_class', None) if client_class: client_class.models.append(cls) client_cli = getattr(client_class, 'cli', None) if client_cli: cls.cli = client_cli[cls.__name__.lower()] = ModelGroup(cls) cls._fields = dict() def process_cl(cl): for key, obj in cl.__dict__.items(): if not isinstance(obj, Field): continue if not obj.data_accessor: obj.data_accessor = key cls._fields[key] = obj = key process_cl(cls) def process_bases(cl): for base in cl.__bases__: process_cl(base) process_bases(base) process_bases(cls) return cls
[docs] class Model(metaclass=ModelMetaclass): """ You should never call this class directly, instead, get it from the :py:class:`Client` object after decorating your model classes with a client as such: .. py:attribute:: paginator :py:class:`Paginator` class, you can leave it by default and just implement :py:meth:`pagination_initialize` and :py:meth:`pagination_parameters`. .. py:attribute:: url_list The URL to get the list of objects, you're supposed to configure it as a model attribute in your model subclass. This may be a format string using a client ``client`` variable. .. py:attribute:: url_detail The URL to get the details of an object, you're supposed to configure it as a model attribute in your model subclass. .. py:attribute:: id_field Name of the field that should be used as resource identifier, `id` by default. .. py:attribute:: url Object URL based on :py:attr:`url_detail` and :py:attr:`id_field`. """ paginator = Paginator model_command = ModelCommand model_group = ModelGroup url_list = None url_detail = '{self.url_list}/{self.id_value}' id_field = 'id' def __init__(self, data=None, **values): """ Instanciate a model. :param data: JSON Data """ self._data = data or dict() self._data_updating = False self._dirty_fields = [] self._field_cache = dict() for key, value in values.items(): setattr(self, key, value) @property def data(self): """ Just ensure we update dirty data prior to returning the data dict. """ if self._dirty_fields and not self._data_updating: self._data_updating = True for field in self._dirty_fields: field.clean(self) self._dirty_fields = [] self._data_updating = False return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value): self._data = value
[docs] @classmethod @hide('expressions') @cmd(color='green') def find(cls, *expressions, **params): """ Find objects filtered by GET params :param params: GET URL parameters :param expressions: :py:class:`Expression` list """ return cls.paginate(cls.url_list, *expressions, **params)
[docs] @classmethod def paginate(cls, url, *expressions, **params): """ Return a :py:class:`Paginator` based on :py:attr:`url_list` :param expressions: :py:class:`Expression` list """ return cls.paginator(cls.client, url, params, cls, expressions)
[docs] @classmethod def pagination_initialize(cls, paginator, data): """ Implement Model-specific pagination initialization here. Otherwise, :py:meth:`Client.pagination_initialize` will take place. Refer to :py:meth:`Paginator.pagination_initialize` for details. """ cls.client.pagination_initialize(paginator, data)
[docs] @classmethod def pagination_parameters(cls, paginator, page_number): """ Implement Model-specific pagination parameters here. Otherwise, :py:meth:`Client.pagination_parameters` will take place. Refer to :py:meth:`Paginator.pagination_parameters` for details. """ return cls.client.pagination_parameters(paginator, page_number)
@property def cli2_display(self): return @property def url(self): if 'url_list' in self.url_detail and not self.url_list: raise Exception(f'{type(self).__name__}.url_list not set') return self.url_detail.format(self=self)
[docs] @cmd(color='red') async def delete(self): """ Delete model. DELETE request on :py:attr:`url` """ return await self.client.delete(self.url)
[docs] @classmethod @cmd(doc=""" POST request to create. Example: create name=foo """) async def create(cls, **kwargs): """ Instanciate a model with kwargs and run :py:meth:`save`. """ obj = cls(**kwargs) await return obj
[docs] @classmethod @cmd(color='green', doc=""" Get a model based on kwargs. Example: get id=3 """) async def get(cls, **kwargs): """ Instanciate a model with kwargs and run :py:meth:`hydrate`. """ obj = cls(**kwargs) await obj.hydrate() return obj
[docs] async def hydrate(self): """ Refresh data with GET requset on :py:attr:`url_detail` """ response = await self.client.get(self.url)
[docs] async def save(self): """ Call :py:meth:`update` if `` otherwise :py:meth:`instanciate`. Then updates :py:attr:`data` based on the response.json if possible. You might want to override this. """ if self.id_value: response = await self.update() else: response = await self.instanciate() try: data = response.json() except json.JSONDecodeError: pass else: = data return response
[docs] async def instanciate(self): """ POST :py:attr:`data` to :py:attr:`url_list`, update data with response json. You might want to override this. """ if not self.url_list: raise Exception(f'{type(self).__name__}.url_list not set') return await,
[docs] async def update(self): """ POST :py:attr:`data` to :py:attr:`url_list`, update data with response json. You might want to override this. """ return await,
@property def id_value(self): """ Return value of the :py:attr:`id_field`. """ return getattr(self, self.id_field)
class ClientMetaclass(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attributes): cls = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attributes) # bind ourself as _client_class to any inherited model cls.Model = type('Model', (Model,), dict(_client_class=cls)) cls.models = [] cli_kwargs = dict( name=cls.__name__.lower().replace('client', '') or 'client', doc=inspect.getdoc(cls), overrides=dict( cls=dict(factory=lambda: cls), self=dict(factory=lambda: cls()) ), ) cli_kwargs.update(cls.__dict__.get('cli_kwargs', dict())) cls.cli = Group(**cli_kwargs) cls.cli.load_cls(cls) return cls
[docs] class Handler: """ .. py:attribute:: tries Number of retries for an un-accepted request prior to failing. Default: 30 .. py:attribute:: backoff Will sleep ``number_of_tries * backoff`` prior to retrying. Default: `.1` .. py:attribute:: accepts Accepted status codes, you should always set this to ensure responses with an unexpected status either retry or raise. Default: range(200, 299) .. py:attribute:: refuses List of refused status codes, responses returning those will not retry at all and raise directly. Default: [400, 404] .. py:attribute:: retokens Status codes which trigger a new call of :py:meth:`~Client.token_get` prior to a retry. Only one retry is done then by this handler, considering that authenticating twice in a row is useless: there's a problem in your credentials instead. Default: [401, 403, 407, 511] """ retokens_defaults = [401, 403, 407, 511] accepts_defaults = range(200, 299) refuses_defaults = [400, 404] tries_default = 30 backoff_default = .1 def __init__(self, accepts=None, refuses=None, retokens=None, tries=None, backoff=None): if retokens is None: self.retokens = copy.copy(self.retokens_defaults) else: self.retokens = retokens if accepts is None: self.accepts = copy.copy(self.accepts_defaults) else: self.accepts = accepts if refuses is None: self.refuses = copy.copy(self.refuses_defaults) else: self.refuses = refuses self.tries = self.tries_default if tries is None else tries self.backoff = self.backoff_default if backoff is None else backoff async def __call__(self, client, response, tries, mask, log): if isinstance(response, Exception): if tries >= self.tries: raise response # httpx session is rendered unusable after a TransportError if isinstance(response, httpx.TransportError): log.warn('reconnect', exception=str(response)) await client.client_reset() return if self.accepts: if response.status_code in self.accepts: return response elif response.status_code not in self.refuses: return response if response.status_code in self.refuses: raise RefusedResponseError(client, response, tries, mask) if tries >= self.tries: raise RetriesExceededError(client, response, tries, mask) seconds = tries * self.backoff kwargs = dict( status_code=response.status_code, tries=tries, sleep=seconds, ) key, value = client.response_log_data(response, mask) if value: kwargs[key] = value if response.status_code in self.retokens: if tries: # our authentication is just not working, no need to retry raise TokenGetError(client, response, tries, mask) log.warn('retoken', **kwargs) await client.token_reset()'retry', **kwargs) await asyncio.sleep(seconds)
[docs] class ClientError(Exception): pass
[docs] class ResponseError(ClientError): def __init__(self, client, response, tries, mask, msg=None): self.client = client self.response = response self.tries = tries self.mask = mask msg = msg or getattr(self, 'msg', '').format(self=self) super().__init__(self.enhance(msg))
[docs] def enhance(self, msg): """ Enhance an httpx.HTTPStatusError Adds beatiful request/response data to the exception. :param exc: httpx.HTTPStatusError """ output = [msg] key, value = self.client.request_log_data( self.response.request, self.mask, ) request_msg = ' '.join([ str(self.response.request.method), str(self.response.request.url), ]) output.append( f'{colors.reset}{colors.bold}{request_msg}{colors.reset}', ) if value: output.append(display.render(value)) key, value = self.client.response_log_data(self.response, self.mask) output.append( ''.join([ colors.bold, f'HTTP {self.response.status_code}', colors.reset, ]) ) if value: output.append(display.render(value)) return '\n'.join(output)
[docs] class TokenGetError(ResponseError): msg = 'Authentication failed after {self.tries} tries'
[docs] class RefusedResponseError(ResponseError): msg = 'Response {self.response} refused'
[docs] class RetriesExceededError(ResponseError): msg = 'Unacceptable response {self.response} after {self.tries} tries'
[docs] class FieldError(ClientError): pass
[docs] class FieldValueError(FieldError): def __init__(self, msg, field, obj, value): super().__init__(msg) self.obj = obj self.field = field self.value = value
[docs] class FieldExternalizeError(FieldValueError): pass
[docs] class Client(metaclass=ClientMetaclass): """ HTTPx Client Wrapper .. py:attribute:: paginator :py:class:`Paginator` class, you can leave it by default and just implement :py:meth:`pagination_initialize` and :py:meth:`pagination_parameters`. .. py:attribute:: semaphore Optionnal asyncio semaphore to throttle requests. .. py:attribute:: handler A callback that will take responses objects and decide wether or not to retry the request, or raise an exception, or return the request. Default is a :py:class:`Handler` .. py:attribute:: mask List of keys to mask in logging, ie.: ``['password', 'secret']`` .. py:attribute:: debug Enforce full logging: quiet requests are logged, masking does not apply. This is also enabled with environment variable ``DEBUG``. .. py:attribute:: models Declared models for this Client. """ paginator = Paginator models = [] semaphore = None mask = [] debug = False def __init__(self, *args, handler=None, semaphore=None, mask=None, debug=False, **kwargs): """ Instanciate a client with httpx.AsyncClient args and kwargs. """ self._client = None self._client_args = args self._client_kwargs = kwargs self._client_attrs = None self.handler = handler or Handler() self.semaphore = semaphore if semaphore else self.semaphore self.mask = mask if mask else self.mask self.debug = debug or os.getenv('DEBUG', self.debug) if truststore: self._client_kwargs.setdefault( 'verify', truststore.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT), ) self.logger = structlog.get_logger('cli2') self.token_getting = False self.token = None for model in self.models: model = type(model.__name__, (model,), dict(client=self)) if model.url_list: model.url_list = model.url_list.format(client=self) setattr(self, model.__name__, model) @property def client(self): """ Return last client object used, unless it raised RemoteProtocolError. """ if not self._client: self._client = self.client_factory() return self._client
[docs] def client_factory(self): """ Return a fresh httpx async client instance. """ client = httpx.AsyncClient(*self._client_args, **self._client_kwargs) if self.token and not self.token_getting: try: self.client_token_apply(client) except NotImplementedError: pass return client
@client.setter def client(self, value): self._client = value @client.deleter def client(self): self._client = None
[docs] async def send(self, request, handler, mask, retries=True, semaphore=None, log=None, auth=None, follow_redirects=None): """ Internal request method """ semaphore = semaphore or self.semaphore tries = 0 async def _send(): return await self.client.send( request, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects, ) async def _request(): if semaphore: async with semaphore: return await _send() return await _send() while retries or tries > 1: try: response = await _request() except Exception as exc: await handler(self, exc, tries, mask, log) else: if response := await handler(self, response, tries, mask, log): return response tries += 1 return response
async def client_reset(self): del self.client async def token_reset(self): self.token = None
[docs] async def token_refresh(self): """ Use :py:meth:`token_get()` to get a token """ self.token_getting = True try: self.token = await self.token_get() except NotImplementedError: self.token = True else: try: self.client_token_apply(self.client) except NotImplementedError: pass self.token_getting = False
[docs] def client_token_apply(self, client): """ Actually provision self.client with self.token. This is yours to implement, ie.: .. code-block:: python client.headers['X-API'] = f'Bearer {self.token}' Do NOT use self.client in this function given it's called by the factory itself. :param client: The actual AsyncClient instance to provision. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def token_get(self): """ Authentication dance to get a token. This method will automatically be called by :py:meth:`request` if it finds out that :py:attr:`token` is None. This is going to depend on the API you're going to consume, basically it's very client-specific. By default, this method does nothing. Implement it to your likings. This method is supposed to return the token, but doesn't do anything with it by itself. You also need to implement the :py:meth:`client_token_apply` which is in charge of updating the actual httpx client object with the said token. .. code-block:: async def token_get(self): response = await'/login', dict(...)) return response.json()['token'] def client_token_apply(self, client): client.headers['X-ApiKey'] = self.token """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def request( # base arguments self, method, url, *, # cli2 arguments handler=None, quiet=False, accepts=None, refuses=None, tries=None, backoff=None, retries=True, semaphore=None, mask=None, # httpx arguments content=None, data=None, files=None, json=None, params=None, headers=None, cookies=None, auth=httpx.USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT, follow_redirects=httpx.USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT, timeout=httpx.USE_CLIENT_DEFAULT, extensions=None, ): """ Request method If your client defines a token_get callable, then it will automatically play it. If your client defines an asyncio semaphore, it will respect it. .. code-block:: python client = Client() await client.request( 'GET', '/', # extend the current handler with 10 tries with 200 accepted # status code only tries=10, accepts=[200], ) await client.request( 'GET', '/', # you can also pass your own handler callable handler=Handler(tries=10, accepts=[200]), # that could also have been a function ) :param method: HTTP Method name, GET, POST, etc :param url: URL to query :param handler: If a callable, will be called, if a dict, will extend the client's :py:attr:`handler`. :param quiet: Wether to log or not, used by :py:class:`Paginator` to not clutter logs with pagination. Meaning if you want to debug pagination, you'll have to make it not quiet from there. If you really want to see all results, set :py:attr:`debug` to True. :param retries: Wether to retry or not in case handler dosen't accept the response, set to False if you want only 1 try. :param accepts: Override for :py:attr:`Handler.accepts` :param refuses: Override for :py:attr:`Handler.refuses` :param tries: Override for :py:attr:`Handler.tries` :param backoff: Override for :py:attr:`Handler.backoff` :param semaphore: Override for :py:attr:`Client.semaphore` :param mask: Override for :py:attr:`Client.mask` """ if not self.token and not self.token_getting: await self.token_refresh() if handler is None: if accepts or refuses or tries or backoff: # if any handler kwarg, clone our handler and override handler = copy.deepcopy(self.handler) if accepts is not None: handler.accepts = accepts if refuses is not None: handler.refuses = refuses if tries is not None: handler.tries = tries if backoff is not None: handler.backoff = backoff else: handler = self.handler request = self.client.build_request( method=method, url=url, content=content, data=data, files=files, json=json, params=params, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, timeout=timeout, extensions=extensions, ) log = self.logger.bind(method=method, url=str(request.url)) if not quiet or self.debug: key, value = self.request_log_data(request, mask, quiet) kwargs = dict() if value: kwargs[key] = value log.debug('request', **kwargs) response = await self.send( request, handler=handler, retries=retries, semaphore=semaphore, mask=mask, log=log, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects, ) _log = dict(status_code=response.status_code) if not quiet or self.debug: key, value = self.response_log_data(response, mask) if value: _log[key] = value'response', **_log) return response
def response_log_data(self, response, mask): try: data = response.json() except json.JSONDecodeError: if response.content: return 'content', self.mask_content(response.content, mask) else: if data: return 'json', self.mask_data(data, mask) return None, None def request_log_data(self, request, mask, quiet=False): content = request.content.decode() if not content: return None, None try: data = json.loads(content) except json.JSONDecodeError: pass else: return 'json', self.mask_data(data, mask) parsed = parse_qs(content) if parsed: data = { key: value[0] if len(value) == 1 else value for key, value in parsed.items() } return 'data', self.mask_data(data, mask) return 'content', self.mask_content(content, mask)
[docs] def mask_content(self, content, mask=None): """ Implement content masking for non JSON content here. """ return content
[docs] def mask_data(self, data, mask=None): """ Apply mask for all :py:attr:`mask` in data. """ if self.debug: return data mask = mask if mask is not None else self.mask if isinstance(data, list): return [self.mask_data(item, mask) for item in data] if isinstance(data, dict): for key, value in data.items(): if key in mask: data[key] = '***MASKED***' if isinstance(value, dict): data[key] = self.mask_data(value, mask) return data return data
[docs] @cmd async def get(self, url, *args, **kwargs): """ GET Request """ return await self.request('GET', url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @cmd(name='request') async def request_cmd(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs): """ Perform an HTTP Request. This calls the underlying httpx.Client request command, so, you can use kwargs such as content for raw body pass, data for form data, and json for json. Values for these kwargs may be file paths. Example: request POST /objects json=my_data.yaml :param method: HTTP verb, GET, POST, etc :param url: URL relative to the client's base_url :param args: Any args to pass to the request method :param kwargs: Any kwargs that will be loaded as file """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): file = Path(value) if not file.exists(): continue with'r') as fh: kwargs[key] = yaml.safe_load( return await self.request(method, url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def post(self, url, *args, **kwargs): """ POST Request """ return await self.request('POST', url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def put(self, url, *args, **kwargs): """ PUT Request """ return await self.request('PUT', url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def head(self, url, *args, **kwargs): """ HEAD Request """ return await self.request('HEAD', url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def delete(self, url, *args, **kwargs): """ DELETE Request """ return await self.request('DELETE', url, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def paginate(self, url, params=None, model=None): """ Return a paginator to iterate over results :param url: URL to paginate on :param params: GET parameters :param model: Model class to cast for items """ return self.paginator(self, url, params or {}, model or dict)
[docs] def pagination_parameters(self, paginator, page_number): """ Implement Model-specific pagination parameters here. Refer to :py:meth:`Paginator.pagination_parameters` for details. """
[docs] def pagination_initialize(self, paginator, data): """ Implement Model-specific pagination initialization here. Refer to :py:meth:`Paginator.pagination_initialize` for details. """
class Expression: def __init__(self, field, value): self.field = field self.value = value self.parameterable = bool(field.parameter) def params(self, params): raise NotImplementedError() def __or__(self, other): return Or(self, other) def __and__(self, other): return And(self, other) def __str__(self): return self.compile() class Equal(Expression): def params(self, params): params[self.field.parameter] = self.value def matches(self, item): return self.field.__get__(item) == self.value class Filter(Expression): def __init__(self, function): self.function = function # This filter works with Python functions self.parameterable = False def matches(self, item): return self.function(item) class LesserThan(Expression): def matches(self, item): value = self.field.__get__(item) if not value: return False return value < self.value class GreaterThan(Expression): def matches(self, item): value = self.field.__get__(item) if not value: return False return value > self.value class StartsWith(Expression): def matches(self, item): value = self.field.__get__(item) if not value: return False return str(value).startswith(self.value) class Expressions(Expression): def __init__(self, *expressions): self.expressions = expressions self.parameterable = all(exp.parameterable for exp in expressions) class Or(Expressions): def matches(self, value): for exp in self.expressions: if exp.matches(value): return True return False class And(Expressions): def matches(self, value): for exp in self.expressions: if not exp.matches(value): return False return True