Source code for cli2.configuration

12-factor interactive self-building lazy configuration.

The developer story we are after:

- there's nothing to do, just expect ``cli2.cfg['YOUR_ENV_VAR']`` to work one
  way or another
- when there's a minute to be nice to the user, add some help that will be
  displayed to them: ``cli2.cfg.questions['YOUR_ENV_VAR'] = 'this is a help
  text that will be display to the user when we prompt them for YOUR_ENV_VAR'``

This is the user story we are after:

- user runs your cli2 command right after install without any configuration
- the user is prompted for a variable
- the variable is saved in their ~/.profile in a new export line
- the user runs a command again in the same shell: we should find the variable
  in ~/.profile so he doesn't have to start a new shell for his new
  configuration to work

Of course, if the environment variable is already present in the environment
then this basically returns it from ``os.environ``.

import functools
import os
import re
import shlex
import textwrap
from pathlib import Path

[docs] class Configuration(dict): """ Configuration object. Wraps around environment variable and can question the user for missing variables and save them in his shell profile. .. py:attribute:: questions A dict of ``ENV_VAR=question_string``, if an env var is missing from configuration then question_string will be used as text to prompt the user. .. py:attribute:: profile_path Path to the shell profile to save/read variables, defaults to ~/.profile which should work in many shells. You can also just work with the module level ("singleton") instance, have scripts like: .. code-block:: python import cli2 cli = cli2.Group() cli2.cfg['API_URL'] = 'What is your API URL?' @cli.cmd def foo(): api_url = cli2.cfg['API_URL'] # when there's no question, it'll use the var name as prompt api_url = cli2.cfg['USERNAME'] """ def __init__(self, profile_path=None, **questions): self.questions = questions self.profile_path = Path( profile_path or os.getenv('HOME') + '/.profile' ) self._profile_script = None self._profile_variables = dict() self.environ = os.environ.copy()
[docs] def input(self, prompt): """ Wraps around Python's input but adds confirmation. :param prompt: Prompt text to display. """ value = input(prompt + '\n> ') confirm = None while confirm not in ('', 'y', 'Y', 'n'): confirm = input(f'Confirm value of:\n{value}\n(Y/n) >') if confirm in ('', 'y', 'Y'): # user is satisfied return value # ok let's try again return self.input(prompt)
def __getitem__(self, key): """ If the key is not in self, call :py:meth:`configure`. :param key: Environment variable name """ if key not in self: self[key] = self.configure(key) return super().__getitem__(key) @property def profile_script(self): """ Cached :py:attr:`profile_path` reader. """ if self._profile_script: return self._profile_script if self.profile_path.exists(): with'r') as f: self._profile_script = else: self.profile_path.touch() self._profile_script = '' return self._profile_script @functools.cached_property def profile_variables(self): """ Cached environment variable parsing from :py:attr:`profile_path`. """ if self._profile_variables: return self._profile_variables for line in self.profile_script.split('\n'): if not line.startswith('export '): continue name, value = re.findall('export ([^=]*)=(.*)', line)[0] value = shlex.split(value)[0] self._profile_variables[name] = value return self._profile_variables
[docs] def configure(self, key): """ Core logic to figure a variable. - if present in os.environ: return that - if parsed in profile_variables: return that - otherwise prompt it, with the question if any, then save it to :py:attr:`profile_path` """ if key in self.environ: return self.environ[key] # ok, let's love our user, and try to parse the variable # from self.profile, after all, perhaps they are running # their command for the second time in the same shell if key in self.profile_variables: return self.profile_variables[key] prompt = self.questions.get(key, key) prompt = textwrap.dedent(prompt).strip() value = self.input(prompt) escaped_value = shlex.quote(value) with'a') as f: f.write(f'\nexport {key}={escaped_value}') self.print( f'Appended to {self.profile_path}:' f'\nexport {key}={escaped_value}' ) return value
def print(self, *args, **kwargs): print(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, key, reason=None): """ Delete a variable from everywhere, useful if an api key expired. :param key: Env var name to delete :param reason: Reason to print to the user """ with'r') as f: lines ='\n') contents = [ line for line in lines if not line.startswith(f'export {key}=') ] if len(contents) != len(lines): if reason: print(reason) print(f'Removing {key} configuration') new_script = '\n'.join(contents) with'w') as f: f.write(new_script) self._profile_script = new_script self._profile_variables.pop(key, None) self.pop(key, None) self.environ.pop(key, None)
cfg = Configuration()