Source code for cli2.display

Generic pretty display utils.

This module defines a print function that's supposed to be able to pretty-print
anything, as well as a pretty diff printer.
import os
import sys

    import jsonlight as json
except ImportError:
    import json

_print = print

def highlight(string, lexer):
    FORCE_COLOR = bool(os.getenv('FORCE_COLOR', ''))
    if not sys.stdout.isatty() and not FORCE_COLOR:
        return string

        import pygments
        import pygments.lexers
        import pygments.formatters
    except ImportError:
        return string

    formatter = pygments.formatters.TerminalFormatter()
    lexer = getattr(pygments.lexers, lexer + 'Lexer')()
    return pygments.highlight(string, lexer, formatter)

def yaml_dump(data):
    import yaml
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        # ensure that objects inheriting from dict render nicely
        data = dict(data)
    return yaml.dump(data, indent=4, width=float('inf'))

def yaml_highlight(yaml_string):
    return highlight(yaml_string, 'Yaml')

[docs] def render(arg): """ Try to render arg as yaml. If the arg has a ``.json()`` method, it'll be called. If it is parseable as JSON then it'l be parsed as such. Then, it'll be dumped as colored YAML. Set the env var `FORCE_COLOR` to anything to force into printing colors even if terminal is non-interactive (ie. gitlab-ci) .. code-block:: python # pretty render some_object print(cli2.render(some_object)) """ try: # deal with response objects arg = arg.json() except: # noqa pass try: # is this json? arg = json.loads(arg) except: # noqa pass # does this wants to show specific data to cli2? try: arg = arg.cli2_display except AttributeError: pass string = arg if isinstance(arg, str) else yaml_dump(arg) return yaml_highlight(string)
[docs] def print(*args, **kwargs): """ Try to print the :py:func:`render`'ed args, pass the kwargs to actual print method. .. code-block:: python # pretty print some_object cli2.print(some_object) """ for arg in args: _print(render(arg), **kwargs)
def diff_highlight(diff): output = '\n'.join([line.rstrip() for line in diff if line.strip()]) return highlight(output, 'Diff')
[docs] def diff(diff, **kwargs): """ Pretty-print a diff generated by Python's standard difflib.unified_diff method. .. code-block:: python # pretty print a diff cli2.diff(difflib.unified_diff(old, new)) """ _print(diff_highlight(diff), **kwargs)