Source code for cli2.argument

import inspect
import re
import json

from .colors import colors

[docs] class Argument: """ Class representing a bound parameter and command line argument. """ # TODO: why not split this into a bunch of simpler sub-classes now that # it's pretty featureful ? def __init__(self, cmd, param, doc=None, color=None, factory=None, hide=False, **kwargs): self.cmd = cmd self.hide = hide self.param = param self.color = color # Let default be set to None :) self.default = kwargs.pop('default', param.default) self.factory = factory self.doc = doc or '' if not doc: for _param in cmd.parsed.params: if _param.arg_name == self.doc = _param.description.replace('\n', ' ') break self.type = None if param.annotation != param.empty: self.type = param.annotation self.negate = None if self.iskw and self.param.annotation == bool: self.negate = 'no-' + if cmd.posix: self.negate = self.negate.replace('_', '-') self.taking = False @property def alias(self): if 'aliases' not in self.__dict__: if self.iskw: if self.cmd.posix: self.aliases = self.optlist('_', '-'), lambda a: '-' + a.lstrip('-')[0], ) else: self.aliases = [] else: self.aliases = [] return self.aliases @alias.setter def alias(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = value, self.aliases = value @property def negates(self): return self.optlist(self.negate, lambda a: '-n' + a.lstrip('-')[3]) def optlist(self, opt, shortgen): if not opt: return [] if isinstance(opt, (list, tuple)): opts = opt else: opts = [opt] if self.cmd.posix: if len(opts) == 1 and len(opts[0].lstrip('-')) > 1: short = shortgen(opts[0]) conflicts = False for arg in self.cmd.values(): if arg is self: continue if 'aliases' not in arg.__dict__: # aliases where not set continue if short in arg.alias: conflicts = True break if not conflicts: opts = [short] + opts for i, alias in enumerate(opts): if alias.startswith('-'): continue if len(alias) == 1: opts[i] = '-' + alias elif not alias.startswith('-'): if not alias.startswith('--'): opts[i] = '--' + alias return opts def __repr__(self): return def __str__(self): if self.alias: out = '[' + + self.alias[-1] out += colors.reset if self.type != bool: out += '=' + + out += colors.reset if self.negates: out += '|' + + self.negates[-1] out += colors.reset out += ']' return out elif self.param.kind == self.param.VAR_POSITIONAL: return ( '[' + + + colors.reset + ']...' ) elif self.param.kind == self.param.VAR_KEYWORD: prefix = '--' if self.cmd.posix else '' return ( '[' + prefix + + + colors.reset + '=' + + 'VALUE' + colors.reset + ']...' ) else: return + + colors.reset
[docs] def help(self): """Render help for this argument.""" if self.alias: out = '' for alias in self.alias: out += + alias + colors.reset if self.type != bool: out += '=' out += if self.type: if isinstance(self.type, str): out += self.type else: out += self.type.__name__ else: out += out += colors.reset out += ' ' self.cmd.print(out) else: self.cmd.print(str(self) + colors.reset) if self.negates: out = '' for negate in self.negates: out += + negate + colors.reset out += colors.reset out += ' ' self.cmd.print(out) if ( self.default != self.param.empty or self.param.default != self.param.empty ): self.cmd.print( 'Default: ' + colors.blue3 + str(self.default or self.param.default) + colors.reset ) if self.type == bool and not self.negates: self.cmd.print( 'Accepted: ' + colors.blue3 + 'yes, 1, true, no, 0, false' + colors.reset ) if self.param.kind == self.param.VAR_KEYWORD: self.cmd.print('Any number of named arguments, examples:') if self.cmd.posix: self.cmd.print( '--' + + 'something' + colors.reset + '=' + + 'somearg' ) else: self.cmd.print('something=somearg') elif self.param.kind == self.param.VAR_POSITIONAL: self.cmd.print('Any number of un-named arguments') if self.doc: self.cmd.print(self.doc)
@property def iskw(self): """Return True if this argument is not positional.""" if self.param.kind == self.param.KEYWORD_ONLY: return True if self.param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: return self.param.default != self.param.empty @property def accepts(self): """Return True if this argument still accepts values to bind.""" return ( not in self.cmd.bound.arguments or self.param.kind in ( self.param.VAR_POSITIONAL, self.param.VAR_KEYWORD, ) ) @property def value(self): """Return the value bound to this argument.""" try: return self.cmd.bound.arguments[] except KeyError as exc: if self.default != self.param.empty: return self.default msg = f'{} has no CLI bound value nor default' raise ValueError(msg) from exc @value.setter def value(self, value): if value == self.param.empty: # the getter will return the default or raise return elif self.param.kind == self.param.VAR_POSITIONAL: self.cmd.bound.arguments.setdefault(, []) self.cmd.bound.arguments[].append(value) elif self.param.kind == self.param.VAR_KEYWORD: self.cmd.bound.arguments.setdefault(, {}) parts = value.split('=') name = parts[0] if self.cmd.posix: name = name.lstrip('-') value = '='.join(parts[1:]) self.cmd.bound.arguments[][name] = value else: self.cmd.bound.arguments[] = value
[docs] def cast(self, value): """Cast a string argument from the CLI into a Python object.""" if self.param.annotation == int: return int(value) if self.param.annotation == float: return float(value) if value in self.negates: return False if self.param.annotation == bool: return value.lower() not in ('', '0', 'no', 'false', self.negate) if self.param.annotation == list: try: return json.loads(value) except json.JSONDecodeError: return [i.strip() for i in value.split(',')] if self.param.annotation == dict: try: return json.loads(value) except json.JSONDecodeError: results = dict() for token in value.split(','): parts = token.split(':') results[parts[0].strip()] = ':'.join(parts[1:]).strip() return results return value
[docs] def aliasmatch(self, arg): """Return True if the CLI arg matches an alias of this argument.""" if arg in self.negates: return True if self.iskw and self.param.annotation == bool and arg in self.alias: return True for alias in self.alias: if arg.startswith(alias + '='): return True
[docs] def match(self, arg): """Return the value extracted from a matching CLI argument.""" if self.aliasmatch(arg): if self.param.annotation != bool or '=' in arg: for alias in self.alias: if arg.startswith(alias): arg = arg[len(alias):] if arg.startswith('='): arg = arg[1:] return arg return arg
[docs] def take(self, arg): """Return False if it doesn't accept this arg, otherwise bind it.""" if not self.accepts: return if self.aliasmatch(arg): self.value = self.cast(self.match(arg)) return True if self.param.kind == self.param.VAR_KEYWORD: if arg.startswith('**{') and arg.endswith('}'): self.cmd.bound.arguments[] = json.loads(arg[2:]) return True elif self.param.kind == self.param.VAR_POSITIONAL: if arg.startswith('*[') and arg.endswith(']'): self.cmd.bound.arguments[] = json.loads(arg[1:]) return True # look ahead for keyword arguments that would match this # so that you can skip arguments that are both keyword and positional # ie. `foo b=x` binds 'x' to 'b' in foo(a=None, b=None) for name, argument in self.cmd.items(): if not argument.accepts: continue if argument == self: continue if argument.aliasmatch(arg): return # edge case varkwargs # priority to varkwargs for word= and **{} last = self.cmd[[*self.cmd.keys()][-1]] if last is not self and last.param.kind == self.param.VAR_KEYWORD: if re.match('^-?-?[^=]+=', arg): return elif arg.startswith('**{') and arg.endswith('}'): return if ( self.iskw and self.alias[0].startswith('-') and self.param.annotation != bool and '=' not in arg and arg in self.alias ): self.taking = True return True if self.taking: arg = self.alias[0] + '=' + arg value = self.match(arg) if value is not None: self.value = self.cast(value) return True
[docs] def factory_value(self): """ Run the factory function and return the value. If the factory function takes a `cmd` argument, it will pass the command object. If the factory function takes an `arg` argument, it will pass self. """ kwargs = dict() sig = inspect.signature(self.factory) if 'cmd' in sig.parameters: kwargs['cmd'] = self.cmd if 'arg' in sig.parameters: kwargs['arg'] = self return self.factory(**kwargs)