Source code for cli2.decorators

import inspect
import textwrap

[docs] def cmd(*args, **overrides): """Set the overrides for a command.""" def wrap(cb): cb = cb.__func__ if inspect.ismethod(cb) else cb if 'doc' in overrides: overrides['doc'] = textwrap.dedent(overrides['doc']).strip() cb.cli2 = overrides return cb if args and not overrides: return wrap(args[0]) return wrap
[docs] def arg(name, **kwargs): """Set the overrides for an argument.""" def wrap(cb): cb = cb.__func__ if inspect.ismethod(cb) else cb overrides = getattr(cb, 'cli2_' + name, None) if overrides is None: try: setattr(cb, 'cli2_' + name, {}) except AttributeError: setattr(cb.__func__, 'cli2_' + name, {}) try: overrides = getattr(cb, 'cli2_' + name) except AttributeError: overrides = getattr(cb.__func__, 'cli2_' + name) overrides.update(kwargs) return cb return wrap
def hide(*names): def wrap(cb): for name in names: cb = arg(name, hide=True)(cb) return cb return wrap