Source code for

import inspect

from .colors import colors
from .command import Command
from .decorators import arg
from .entry_point import EntryPoint
from .node import Node

[docs]class Group(EntryPoint, dict): """Represents a group of named commands.""" def __init__(self, name=None, doc=None, color=None, posix=False, outfile=None, cmdclass=None, log=True): = name self.doc = doc or inspect.getdoc(self) self.color = color or self.posix = posix self.parent = None self.cmdclass = cmdclass or Command EntryPoint.__init__(self, outfile=outfile, log=log) # make help a group command self.cmd(, cls=Command)
[docs] def add(self, target, *args, **kwargs): """Add a new target as sub-command.""" cmdclass = kwargs.pop('cls', self.cmdclass) cmd = cmdclass(target, *args, **kwargs) self[] = cmd return self
def __setitem__(self, key, value): value.posix = self.posix value.parent = self value.outfile = self.outfile super().__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def cmd(self, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator to add a command with optionnal overrides.""" if len(args) == 1: # simple @group.cmd syntax or direct call target = args[0] self.add(target, **kwargs) return target elif not args: def wrap(cb): self.add(cb, **kwargs) return cb return wrap
def arg(self, name, **kwargs): return arg(name, **kwargs)
[docs] def group(self, name, **kwargs): """Return a new sub-group.""" self[name] = Group(name, cmdclass=self.cmdclass, **kwargs) return self[name]
[docs] def help(self, *args, error=None, short=False): """ Get help for a command or group. :param args: Command or sub-command chain to show help for. :param error: Error message to print out. :param short: Show short documentation. """ if args: target = self for arg in args: if arg in target: target = target[arg] elif isinstance(target, Command): return, short=short) else: error = f'Command {arg} not found in {target}' break return, short=short) if short: if self.doc: return self.doc.replace('\n', ' ').split('.')[0] return '' if error: self.print('RED', 'ERROR: ' + colors.reset + error, end='\n\n') self.print('ORANGE', 'SYNOPSYS') chain = [] current = self while current: chain.insert(0, current) current = current.parent self.print(' '.join(map(str, chain)) + ' SUB-COMMAND <...>') self.print(' '.join(map(str, chain)) + ' help SUB-COMMAND') if len(chain) > 1: chain.insert(1, 'help') self.print(' '.join(map(str, chain)) + ' SUB-COMMAND') self.print() if self.doc: self.print('ORANGE', 'DESCRIPTION') self.print(self.doc.strip()) self.print() from .table import Table table = Table(*[ ( ( getattr(colors, command.color, command.color), name, ),, ) for name, command in self.items() ]) self.print('ORANGE', 'SUB-COMMANDS') table.print(self.print)
help.cli2 = dict(color='green')
[docs] def load(self, obj, parent=None, public=True): """Load a Python object callables into sub-commands.""" if isinstance(obj, str): obj = Node.factory(obj).target objpackage = getattr(obj, '__package__', None) for name in dir(obj): if name == '__call__': target = obj name = type(obj).__name__ elif name.startswith('__' if not public else '_'): continue else: target = getattr(obj, name) targetpackage = getattr(target, '__package__', None) if targetpackage and objpackage: # prevent recursively loading from other packages # and above obj level if not targetpackage.startswith(objpackage): continue if target == parent: # detect and prevent recursive imports continue if callable(target): try: inspect.signature(target) except ValueError: pass else: self.add(target, name=name) continue node = Node(name, target) if node.callables:, parent=obj) return self
def __call__(self, *argv): self.exit_code = 0 if not argv: return'No sub-command provided') if argv[0] in self: result = self[argv[0]](*argv[1:]) # fetch exit code self.exit_code = self[argv[0]].exit_code else: return'Command {argv[0]} not found') return result def __repr__(self): return f'Group({})' def __str__(self): return or ''